Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am back. 2 weeks in the US. Lots and lots to drink. The first 3 days I had red wine, white wine, red, white, red... Then it varied. Margaritas, mohitos, honey wine, german beer, italian beer, american beer. You would think I was a real tippler.
Yesterday, I hurt all over. Then I had a huge lunch and about an hour later, life was ok. Then I went home and watched LOTR 1 and 2 on my new laptp in my newly air conditioned room. Hmm. Then I played scrabble with D and lost by a few points. I really suck at it. The only reason I didn't totally embarass myself was because I got Q and Z and X and managed to make triple word/letter scores on them. Phew.
Anyway, I like the US. Whatever little I saw. Elbow space (except on airplanes), buses that have time tables (gasp!) and come on time, wide open spaces, clothes that fit me, awesome food (but way too large servings) and maps! I have discovered a new love for maps. I love maps. Can you imagine navigating chennai with a map? Crazy.
Anyway, food. I had italian a couple of times (it tastes pretty much like it does in India. I was surprised.), mexican (ditto), lebanese (not so much), ethiopean (first time!) and american. Yum. I liked everything I had. One good reason not to live in the US. You'd need a crane to lift me out of the house.
My cousin asked me which place I liked better - Dallas or San Francisco. I told him I'd have to think. He was very offended. Apparenlty Dallas doesn't have any personality, being all flat and brown and dusty. Ok.
I found one thing weird. So many people whom I asked directions didn't speak english. So, I got into a lot of buses and trains that were going in the wrong direction. Not fun at all.
More later. Going to watch Cheeni Kum today.
Somebody, get me another job.

Friday, May 11, 2007

On the way to work today, I saw guy wearing a T Shirt with this - "I'm with Stuped ->"
Last night, we went to a restaurant we hadn't yet been to. Food was good, as usual, we all ate too much. I learnt that zafran meant saffron and had a very sweet Zafran lassi. But the food was good. Definite visit again.
I was going to say something else. I had it all written in my head and when I started typing this out - poof, all gone.
More later.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

First post in a week.

My brain hurts.

There is an elevator here that scares the shit out of me. It is very slow, creeeeeeeaaaaaks and sometimes randomly stops between floors. Everybody panic. I still don't take the stairs - I'm lazy. Big surprise.

The funny thing is, the other 2 elevators have been shut down "for repairs" for the past 2 months. This one hasn't been "repaired" even once since it started getting weird. I wonder what it takes. A plunge from the 3rd floor (which is as high as this building gets)? Ok, maybe not funny.

There is a Cocaine energy drink? Seriously? Also, does cocaine give energy? Why call an energy drink Cocaine? Coke and Crack were already taken? How did they not see this coming? And, what did it taste like?

"Of course, we intended for Cocaine energy drink to be a legal alternative the same way that celibacy is an alternative to premarital sex..."

Anyway, our yucky vending machine is broken. So no coffee all day. No coffee sucks. Give me coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

Some random guy talking on the phone just walked ast my cubile and gave me this huge, all teeth gleaming, grin. I was sitting. He looked down and grinnnnnned. Scary. He had Beatles hair.
Some guy sent me a forward. FYI & A apparently means For your information and attention/action. I HATE ACRONYMS. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE

The water suddenly tastes like paint.