Thursday, April 28, 2005

religion - so many q's

i dont understand it, i dont want it, i dont believe in it. but i am interested in understanding the huge power that it wields; i want to know why, how and when religions evolved..
why are people willing to die, kill and sell their children for religion. why do christian missionaries pay poor people to convert to christianity, why do muslim fanatics think its ok to kill in the name of allah, why does vhp think all hindus give a damn about hindutva, why do sikhs carry knives, why are there not many more jains and buddhists?
what is it about religion that everybody think only their religion has all the answers and everythink else is "unholy", "unworthy", and not the "real and true god".
which brings me to another question.. why only one true god. i havent put g in god in caps for 2 reasons- 1. its a lot easier to type without caps,and 2. capital g implies a name, a proper noun, one person(or god in this case) who answers to that name.
so many whys, and the answers are so unconvincing.
i kinda prefer the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy or chariots of the gods kinda answer to creation, existance and stuff.. but even that leaves a lot of q;s unanswered. i guess its foolish to expect answers to questions taht have been asked since "man could think" and all that shit.


  1. Is this the age if religious renaissance? I mean it's amusing to see the number of people who are asking the same questions as you are. Maybe the concept of 'god' and 'religion' is in or a serious review, and much as I would like to see that happen, I don't think it's gonna happen in the near future.

    Liked the bit about there not being more Jains and Buddhists.

    Had this idea not so long ago, where parents would be forbidden from 'religionising' their children until they are capable of making their own decisions. I mean if you want them to wait till they are 18 before they can vote, they should be given more time to think about 'god' and 'religion'.

  2. @ musafir -
    if parents gave kids that choice then we wouldnt need this arguement at all. the whole point is not why religion - i understand why its necessary, i just dont understand the fanaticism(sp?) that it creates in the "religious right" of any community.
