Thursday, September 08, 2005


I feel so bored during exams.

Today, I had 2. The first was ok. Lots of sums, not much time spent thinking. Just wrote. I didn't have a calculator and ended doing arithmetic in the margins. First time since school. No wait. I did it for CAT and all that crap. I still remember my tables. And I finished almost an hour ahead of time.

The second was a pain. I got bored midway and consequently made a lot of silly mistakes. I drew a instead of b and figured it out only as I was going to give the paper in; then I had to draw b and got totally confused. I still finished 45 minutes ahead of time.

Why to people write so much and for so long? I can't sit for longer than an hour and a half for an exam. I either know the answers or I don't. If I do, I write fast and if I don't, I write some (ir)relevant bullshit and leave. Why sit around and torture yourself?

2 more exams tomorrow. I don't have to study for one and I don't know what to study for the other. All in all, no studying. Yippee! I wonder what movie I can watch today. I saw a bit of Wedding Crashers last week and got very bored. How are Must Love Dogs and Sky High? Never heard of them, but copied them from someone on the lan. Hope the print is good.


  1. oh boy this verification thing is cool...ive been reading it, trying to remember it and type with my eyes closed..
    its fun meera

    i know...depths to which the human soul can sink to...

  2. hullo? why no updates in a looong while??
