Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I have a backache.
I had really sweet tea. With 3 teabags. And hot. I am not a tea person, but the coffee from the Nescafe vending machine sucks.
I have 15 phone numbers scribbled on the white board in my cubicle. 10 of those are of the computer maintenance guys. My comp crashes a lot. They recognise me by my voice these days.
I didn't recognise a guy in my department - he was away for 3 months. We came up in the lift together. Somebody told me later that it was him. I still didn't recognise him.
I leave at 5.30pm almost everyday, these days. Unless I have something that absolutely has to be done that day.
X-Men last night. I like Ian McKellen more than Patrick Stewart. And Halle Berry not at all, at least in that movie.
Food. Sleep. Air Conditioning.


  1. Ian McKellan absolutely rocks. I think Magneto and Wolverine are the best comic book characters around (Batman as well).

  2. Soph - I want air conditioning at home. I have it at work.
    Sid - Cyclops!
