Thursday, March 01, 2007

I found this website called Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics and it is brilliant. It explains why some things in movies could have never happened. Most of the stuff they have is obvious and you'd have figured it out when you saw the movie but it had some stuff I didn't know. Much fun. I have spent most of today reading it. Did you know that if all the icebergs in the North Sea melted, there would be no change in sea levels? It is obvious, but I never thought about it. And how did the mother ship still hang in the sky after it was destroyed, in Independance Day?
Also, National Geographic's website is pretty cool. Check out the articles about the Collosal Squid and the giant sinkhole that swallowed houses and people in Guatemala. Unbelievable. And Mud Volcanos! Reality is way freakier than fiction.
I had a big thing at work that went off well today. Phew, that's one down, many more to go.
Saw Gosford Park last night. Brilliant movie. I have never seen the whole thing before. Clive Owen! Helen Mirren! Stephen Fry! Maggie Smith! So awesome.
Has anybody seen Eragon? Is it any good? I want it to be good, but I saw a trailer and the dragon doesn't look all that great. You know what was a cool dragon? The one in The Goblet of Fire. And Reign of Fire. Don't get me started on dragons.
I saw a bit of the BAFTAs and the a bit of the Oscars earlier this week. The Brits were so much funnier than the Yanks. Or maybe I just like their brand of humour more.


  1. Don't watch movie Eragon if you have already read the book. Dragon is okay but rest of the characters :( was a little disapointed.

  2. hey meera.. ur description in About Me me sounds very similar to that guy in "the curious incident of dog in night time"... did somebody else as well tell u that?
