Friday, December 23, 2005

clandestine service careers

This month's Economist has an ad from the CIA, in their Executive Focus.
"Possibly the most challenging job in the world".

All candidates blah blah blah several personal interviews, medical and
psychological exams, aptitude testing, a polygraph interview, and an
extensive background investigation.

.. fast paced, high impact challenges in worldwide intelligence
collectiobn efforts on issues of US foreign policy interest and national
security concern.

For more info blah blah visit:

I wonder if Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne, George Smiley and James Bond
answered similar ads...


  1. ...or maybe they were taken to the farm directly by someone like Al Pacino.

  2. i thought george smiley and james bond were british.

    they wouldn't answer ads like that! the british wouldn't recruit their mi6 agents with words like "fast paced, high impact challenges in worldwide intelligence collection...", that's too american. they have something suitably sober, with an added line about serving queen and country....

  3. and do you realise that ethan hunt and jason bourne don't even come close to comparing with bond and smiley?

  4. the operative word was "like".

    the first bourne book was pretty good.

  5. Remember, that would be mostly for desk jobs. If you are doing field work, they recruit in other ways (i.e. from cops, forces, reserves etc).

  6. HI meera..
    You've been tagged :)
