Monday, December 26, 2005

Last Term

Happy Christmas folks.

My last term has begun, and the courses I have signed up for are the lightest I could find. International Business Ethics & Leadership and Team Building. The capital letters are not of my doing. All of last term, I cribbed about the compulsory Ethics course. Now I will crib about this one. I could have takencourses on Neural Networks or Insurance but nooooooooooooooooooo.... I took Ethics and Leadership. Hopefully a peaceful and workless time. But look forward to lots of bitching and cribbing. I wonder how International Ethics is different from regualr old Ethics? Maybe they'll kill us with more pseudo psychology and -isms because this is an elective... Hip Hip Hurray!! (Which is apparently an old Hebrew war cry of sorts).

I saw a movie called The Ninth Gate. Johnny Depp. It was very predictable and lackluster. No fun at all. I also saw Hanuman. It was very cute. And Pandavas. Very not cute. And Platoon. I didn't see the whole thing. Got bored partway and got a craving for Hot Shots! I loved both part 1 and 2 of Hot Shots.

I have Lord of War and King Kong. I don't think I'll see either.

Cheerios folks. Be good, have fun, make lots of resolutions this New Year. We'll compare.

BTW, I'm going to Chennai for Pongal. More Yay!


  1. she's coming to madras? yay. i'm just brimming over with joy. *snort*

    the father has already started booking tickets for kodai. the number of people stands at ten (for now), i think. you sure you want to go through with this? we could still play hooky and run away somewhere else.

    get your gi tract prepared. i'm in the mood to experiment a bit. *evil cackle*

  2. You should see Lord of War! It's a fantastic movie, really nice and really well done.

  3. Hey!Hows you?Thought this is the only place where I could reach you.Anyways keep in touch.Happy new year!

  4. Wow. Fancy seeing *you* here. Enna, vera velaye illaya? :p

  5. CD - wrote you an e-mail.

  6. im bored out of my wits meera

  7. no post in sometime.. wats up? and whats happ with ur placements?

  8. Update please. A kutty one will do, thank you.
