Saturday, December 10, 2005

What a tangled web we weave...

Not getting short listed for interviews ranks in the Top 5 Yucky Things To Happen To Me list. Add a surprise end term exam, rumours of corruption of those in power, my clothes not drying and 2 grasshoppers in the toilet and my day is officially ruined.

I had bad, bland noodles a while ago and it is making my stomache cry out in pain and agony.

I want a vacation.

I need a break.

I get more work.


  1. "absolute power corrupts absolutely"
    Its hard to consider things a rumour if they are so in your face....
    its hard to pretend that you are ignorant of things...when things go beyond a certain point...its your first job for godssake!!!

  2. how true how true
    btw, did you watch narnia? chopped bits of the story but on the whole EXTREMELY good
    i loved it.
    wanted to shout out when aslan appeared on the hilltop

  3. word verification thing for the prev comment was "notgey"...
    meera...these things happen ONLY in connexion with you

  4. havent seen narnia... want to.

    -- xxwlxwqq --

  5. but did you try saying that word out loud?
