Monday, December 26, 2005

Last Term

Happy Christmas folks.

My last term has begun, and the courses I have signed up for are the lightest I could find. International Business Ethics & Leadership and Team Building. The capital letters are not of my doing. All of last term, I cribbed about the compulsory Ethics course. Now I will crib about this one. I could have takencourses on Neural Networks or Insurance but nooooooooooooooooooo.... I took Ethics and Leadership. Hopefully a peaceful and workless time. But look forward to lots of bitching and cribbing. I wonder how International Ethics is different from regualr old Ethics? Maybe they'll kill us with more pseudo psychology and -isms because this is an elective... Hip Hip Hurray!! (Which is apparently an old Hebrew war cry of sorts).

I saw a movie called The Ninth Gate. Johnny Depp. It was very predictable and lackluster. No fun at all. I also saw Hanuman. It was very cute. And Pandavas. Very not cute. And Platoon. I didn't see the whole thing. Got bored partway and got a craving for Hot Shots! I loved both part 1 and 2 of Hot Shots.

I have Lord of War and King Kong. I don't think I'll see either.

Cheerios folks. Be good, have fun, make lots of resolutions this New Year. We'll compare.

BTW, I'm going to Chennai for Pongal. More Yay!

Friday, December 23, 2005

clandestine service careers

This month's Economist has an ad from the CIA, in their Executive Focus.
"Possibly the most challenging job in the world".

All candidates blah blah blah several personal interviews, medical and
psychological exams, aptitude testing, a polygraph interview, and an
extensive background investigation.

.. fast paced, high impact challenges in worldwide intelligence
collectiobn efforts on issues of US foreign policy interest and national
security concern.

For more info blah blah visit:

I wonder if Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne, George Smiley and James Bond
answered similar ads...

Friday, December 16, 2005

People have said weird things in classes, during lectures, presentations and the like. Some 'Oh My God' moments, some 'Don't say things like that when I'm drinking' stuff, some 'I can't believe he just said that' and a few 'Did he just say what I think he said?'. Unfortunately, I haven't kept a record of all these spew-worthy sayings. I did write down a few.

- strong purchase intention to buy

- ... mainly it was predominantly dominated by ...

- cost of the price

- flexibility is not as rigid

- people should not buy what they don't want to buy

I can't remember the other things that induced stomach ache causing laughter spells. Sadly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I had a class just now. Planning IT Enabled Organisations, fondly called PITEO. I don't know why "Planning". We don't learn much about planning, but we do get a lot of IT and Enabling. Today's classes were full of documentation. I got such a headache from just knowing the types of documents that exist, I don't know what I'll do if I have to actually deal with them.

I am so not ready for real life.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

What a tangled web we weave...

Not getting short listed for interviews ranks in the Top 5 Yucky Things To Happen To Me list. Add a surprise end term exam, rumours of corruption of those in power, my clothes not drying and 2 grasshoppers in the toilet and my day is officially ruined.

I had bad, bland noodles a while ago and it is making my stomache cry out in pain and agony.

I want a vacation.

I need a break.

I get more work.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Times of India had this article about how humans share 98% dna with chimps and 60% with chickens and fruit flies. It was nice to know that I was more chimp than chicken. I had always wondered...

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Games have Begun!

I had a very painless interview today. My first ever job interview!!!! I feel so grown up! Damn. In less than 6 months, I am going to be WORKING? Paying taxes? having deadlines? Oh my god. Shit. Deep breaths.

Today is a big day for me. And so, I am going to celebrate my coming of age with a huge bar of Dairy Milk Roasted Almonds and Lepon Doyen "100% Veg Healthy Always" Cookies.

Speaking of Dairy Milk - they have a Tiramisu bar. New, I think. I saw it for the first time last week. Or maybe, new to bhubaneswar. Anyway, it was yummy. Not like any tramisu I have ever had, but yummy still.

Damn. I still can't get over this. I am 22 years old. I have to grow up some time.

Irrespective of whether or not I get the job I was interviewed for, today was weird. In a good way.

Bye folks.