Friday, April 21, 2006

I am not going to talk about my one hour at the dermatologist and my experiences with their laser. I leave you to figure it out with your underworked imaginations. Just let me say this - my face burns burns burns.

I saw The Terminal and Catch Me If You Can simultaneously (Star Movies & HBO) 2 days ago. I like Catch Me... better than The Terminal for reasons that are obvious. You know, story line and stuff. Though Terminal was good too. This was the first time I saw the whole movie. Almost the whole movie. ANyway, the sister's password to gmail and blogger are saved on this computer and every time I come online I have to fight temptation to not do something stupid. It is a pity that I am so scrupulous.

Preparations are underway here to facilitate my moving to Hyd. ANd by that, I mean that I bought towels today. Those thin cotton ones that get sopping wet when it get a little humid.

Ice Age 2 is coming soon! To a cinema near me! Soon!

Bye. I have to go download stuff for my mother.


  1. I heard Ice Age 2 was disappointing. Didn't watch it myself due to reasons
    I know those towels, the pro is that they dry faster too.
    I hear you are calling yourself a Systems Analyst these days? What the hell do System Analysts do?

  2. FOrget Ice Age2...looking foirward to Da Vinci Code n MI-III :)

  3. MI 3 is going to be worse than MI 2; especially if you look at Tommy boy's last few movies.
    I'll defenitely watch Da VInci code but I am not looking forward Tom Hanks as RIchard Langdon. DUnno why but it just dosent make sense.

    word: addzah

  4. vish - what reasons could you possibly have to not see ice age 2?
