Saturday, April 29, 2006

I always have trouble with passwords. I have 4 passwords that I use whereever needed. The problem is that I never know which of the four I need for any particular account. It's not a problem with gmail as I use that the most often but everything else is hell. I have to try sometime 3 times before I get it right. And one password is very long, so I sometimes miss-spell it and I can't tell that I have miss-spelt it because all I see are stars and I end up thinking that maybe I have a 5th password too that I forgot about. It's insane. I once decided change all my passwords to one but that was the day that the local ISP wanted to change some routers in the campus and I could not use the internet. Fate.

Somebody called me "the world-famous Meera" today. I love it.


  1. I heard about that- the worldfamous I mean. You are. Two of my friends now read your blog. And mention it.

  2. ahem.. I believe I said World-Famous with caps.

    So are you entering the "contest" then? :)

  3. yes. im entering the contest. if not tonight then probably sometime next week.

  4. you do realize there's a simple solution to this. Here's a list of software which allow you to remember your password as a simple phrase rather than a bunch of letters and numbers. lest you forget the word, just type in the phrase into the generator and you've got your password back. if you associate the phrase with the particular account, you're set.

    alternatively, you could do what i do. take the first two letters of the words in the first lines of your favourite song while keeping the capitalization per line (builds stronger passwords - not fool proof, but it's something). besides, gives you a perfect excuse to let the song run in your mind as soon as you login.

    there's a third option. let the browser handle the passwords. firefox and opera let you set a master password so you've got to remember just that one password. sure beats having to enter it in everytime you login. saves time too.

    word: sagrgxzm - no no no ... sa ri ga ma pa dha ni SA. and use the prati madhyamam and kaisika nishaadam. pop quiz - what raagam is that?

  5. thanks anonymous.ill do what ever you said. not all of it, as that would just end up in making me even more confused. but something.
    al - why? oh why?

  6. So Mademoisselle Meera, how does it feel like being world famous.

    P.S - I specifically use Madamoiselle above cos in France they have started a movement to stop the use of word Mademoiselle because it discriminates women on the basis of their age. :)
