Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ranipet is so hot it makes my eyes burn. And my skin.

A shiny new refridgerator came home today and we sent it back because it had a one inch dent on the door. So we are stuck with our 30 yer old Kelvinator; which works perfectly. So I don't know why they need a new one. My grandmother dosen't want to give this one up.

I saw War of the Worlds today and good print does not make it a better movie. I find Dakota Fanning (?) very annoying. I want to see a Donnie Darko kind of movie. I saw a Robert Redford, Morgan Freeman, J-Lo movie last night, called An Unfinished Life. It was good, with grizzlies and a 10 year old girl and a guy who beats up J. It wasn't good for those reasons. Anyway, didn't J-Lo act in another movie where she gets beaten up by her husband? Does she look like the sort of person who would be a domestic violence victim? Like they say in A Four Just Men, if you can tell if a person has criminal tendencies by just looking at the structure of their forehead and jawline, maybe you can tell a victim too?

I have to start packing. I don't know what to take. But I have bought towels, so I'm a Hoopy Frood!


  1. yay! someone else who thinks dakota fanning's being overworked and spread too thin and ends up being too annoying.

    she was good in the first made for tv series. and speilberg did "find" her, but that doesn't justify throwing her at the screen everytime they need a precocious little kid and get her to do things she'll grow up to look back and say "i love all this money but did i really think making a movie with robert deniro just to make me look evil was justified?"

    you see where i'm going with this. no? ouch!

  2. Hehe. The refrigerator will ever leave the house. And if it does, its ghost will come back from the scrap yard to haunt us all. Ah, how I remember the sounds it used to make at night when I was in ranipet, sleeping in patti's room. I remember dreaming about being chased by dogs who were growling like that big tin can of a fridge. And after I read lord of the rings, I imagined that the orcs would sound something like that when they were sleeping...

    Dakota Fanning is too old and too irritating to keep playing precocious seven year olds, especially six years after she's passed seven. Grr. She's like an overdose of cotton candy. And I LIKE cotton candy.

    Hey, isn't that the movie about the bear that mauls Morgan Freeman, and then comes back to town, and the evil little she-Chucky and Robert Redford try to set it free?

  3. I haven't seen hide and seek. I think scary movies with creepy kids are scarier that scary movies with creepy kids. take the ring and ring2. the ghost wasn't scary. all the gross dead people weren't scary. that kid? aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

    word: kdbbzsu - same to you.

  4. I think scary movies with creepy kids are scarier that scary movies without creepy kids.

  5. Hmm...evil little she-Chucky setting a bear free ??!!! I have to watch this movie, even though it has Dakota Fanning in it...Piss-off girl!!!!!

  6. no no. this movie does not have Dakota Fanning in it. It's some blond kid.

    word: miblep - could be a cross between Men in black and Artemis fowl.
