Monday, December 18, 2006

I thought I was the Person of the Year. Then I read more, and it was obvious that Time was talking about The Great American (Web 2.0) Citizen. Dammit. I wanted it to be me. All is lost, because of geography. Why shouldn't I be Person of the Year? Why shouldn't "Yes, you. You control the Information Age. Welcome to your world." apply to me? Why, oh why? This is why everybody hates America. They are so caught up in their Super-Power, Big Bully, Big Brother, I-Am-God status that even their media does not realise that "You" could be a loner in India. Why is a loner in India any less important than a loner in the all-holy US of bloody A? Hmph. All I ever wanted, ever since I knew of the Time Magazine's Person of Year popularity contest, was to be It. My picture on the cover. If not mine, then at least me as part of the collective. And the year that they name a collective "You", I still don't make the cut. This is so unfair.

According to MSNBC,
Time has been naming its person of the year since 1927 and the tradition has become the source of speculation every year, as well as controversy over unpopular choices such as Adolf Hitler in 1938 and Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.
Am I a more unpopular choice than Hitler?! Khomeni? George W. Bush (2004)? Come on. I can understand being less popular than Bono or Bill and Melinda Gates (2005) but still, they pick 300 million people and they still don't pick me. I voted for Stephen Colbert, but that was only because they didn't have a "Me" to vote for. I blog. I waste time on other blogs. I watch youtube; hell, I even comment on youtube. I think it was because I don't have a MySpace account. News Corp got mad that I don't have a MySpace account. They spent $580 million on MySpace and I don't have an account on it. That's why. I knew it.

300 million people are Person of the Year. Keep it. I don't need a MySpace account.


  1. waaaaaah. waaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

    cry baby.

  2. nyhanny nyhanny boo boo!

    - Does that apply to ALL american citizens or just the 'great' ones?
    I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm great and all, but you know. Just to be sure.

    I, for the record, don't like it when it's not *ONE* person. I mean, maybe next year it'll be like "people who donated to charity" or "the middle class" some other bullshit.

  3. soph - bite me. no, i didn't mean that literally.

    keith - i like one person person of the year too.. makes the articles less flustered, more coherent.
