Thursday, February 15, 2007

I apologise for the lack of capitals.
yesterday, post lunch, i got off at the wrong floor, went to where my cubicle in the right floor would have been and sat down. At somebody else's desk. I wondered why my desk was so clean and why i didn't recognise anybody. then i wondered where all my papers were and was close to freaking out when i realised that my comp was suddenly different. everybody looked at me weirdly. i was wondering why strange people were sitting in the cubicles next to mine and were the hell were all the people that i knew?

then i went to my project manager's cubicle to ask her if anything drastic had changed while i was at lunch. then it struck me that the giant hole in the ceiling, opening up to the floor above, was not there in my floor since i sit on the top floor. Aha! Now it all became clear.

for a few minutes, i was totally creeped out. knowing that something was wrong and didn't belong in that place, not realising that the only thing that didn't belong was me.they should really do something to make these places look a little different. colour schemes, maybe?

last week it got really warm. now it is pleasant again. i like this weather. i know that the rest of the world is getting screwed up with rain in shrinagar and snow and hail in shimla and floods in rajasthan but this weather suits me. i am not looking forward to april. my skin will burn off, my eyes will beg for moisture and head burst.
the comp i use at work is screwed up. again. 3rd time in 2 weeks. we have people to take of such things here, being WFII and all that. but getting to actually come and do something is such a bloody pain. they probably do have a lot of work and they have to move between buildings to fix stuff but still.. wouldn't it be nice if there was a "Fix my comp" genie. It bet it would be the most overworked genie in the world, next only to the "make me skinny" genie.

have you seen those new ponds "age defying" cream ads? they have women who look like they are in their 20s talking about wrinkles and how their husband/boyfriend pay more attention to them now and more of that crap. my roommate goes "yuck" everytime those ads come up.
visa, tickets, hotel done.


  1. would u believe it...yesterday when i returned home from office, I tried the lock on the flat just below ours...only when someone else opened I realized I was on the wrong floor!!!
    so whenz u lvng?

  2. Happy Birthday CD :)

    May the madness continue and best of luck with the trip.

    PS: Since this is becoming something of a tradition, here goes -- did you know you share your birthday with a certain Denise Richards?
