Wednesday, August 24, 2005

on good and bad plays

I love The Comedy of Errors. I read it a week ago. Macbeth rocks too. I found the Tempest very annoying. But not The Twelfth Night. And I like Oscar Wilde's plays; all of them.

Anyway, this is not about plays specifically. It's about one. And this is a sad story.

I got roped into doing a bit part in a play the dramatics club is doing. My part is not the problem. This play is doomed from the start. For one thing, we are doing "The Ghosts of Marvin Grange"; basically a bunch of people talking about a haunted place and a few fake ghosts thrown in. There are some flaws inherent to the play - the ghosts are actually people in disguise (the play is set in 1907, that itself is questionable. How do you fool people up close?? They actually say "She was attacked by strange and mysterious apparitions"! But the play is not the problem either.

The collective enthusiasm of the "actors" is negative. Except for one guy, the others would be quite happy to be rid of the who thing. The fact that the end term exams are creeping up on us does not help either. The last rehearsal saw a record low of three people turn up!!

Not that any of can actually act... but it is fun to pretend for a while. It would be "funner" if we weren't up to our necks in presentations and projects. And if we could find time besides midnight to rehearse. Anyway, I don't think this performance is going to see the light of day. Let's see.

Break a leg.


  1. aaahhhhh spam on my blog! why? what did i do to deserve this?

  2. Some are born deserving the spam, some acheive the state and some... some have spam thrust upon them.

    K,that makes no sense at all.

  3. I think your play would be more interesting if it involved hand-puppets and less ugly actors.

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  7. wow. you get so much spam!

  8. you got into the habit of using caps as well, i see

  9. seriously...whatever happened to your blog? and why haevnt u posted in ages? not the right spirit meera!

  10. I am one of those unfortunate ones who reaches on time for the rehearsal and finds that no one has turned up.

    anyways, the play is going quiet boring...i agree....and hope it gets better....


    and the rest of you who aren't spam, i love you. not really, but you know what i mean.

    i could disable anonymous posts on this but that would mean everybody who wanted to post would need a blogger id and that would just suck. what would "me", "me again", alka and others do? it's not like i want to hear only from bloggers... so many difficult choices to make.

  12. I'm sure they'd survive...

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