Saturday, November 05, 2005


We were waiting for our dinner when the following conversation happened.

Me: *something gross*
S (24 yr old female): Ugh! Your statements should come with a PG warning!
V (22 yr old male): Huh? S, you are old enough to be a P yourself. (He then paused when he realised how gross that sounded and then continued) You are old enough to give some G yourself! ... and the conversation went on...

This reminded me of a similar setting a while ago when some of us were debating something of absolutely no importance when this "P" issue came up. At this juncture, somebody piped up with "The English pee or the Tamil pee?". And all burst out laughing. The letter P is so versatile. That is why I hate it when somebody calls me M.P. or Meera P. They always follow it up with a snigger. Dolts. My parents actually signed me up in school as Meera P. So basically, every roll call was a torture. I made things a lot better when I signed up for the 10th board exams with the full name. Even then, people with limited intelligence and a 6yr old sense of humour really piss me off with this Meera P. nonsense.

Maybe this bothers me a little too much. After all, what's in a name? Right? Yeah right. A rose is a rose is a rose but only somebody with a bad name knows the pain. I love my name; it's the P after it that stinks.


  1. Okay, one of my friends has a last name of Hunsucker. I thought that was bad enough, for a girl to have such a last name until she told me her brother's name was Michael.

    Which doesn't seem like much - except that none of them realized how bad that was until his highschool graduation ceremony, when everyone started yelling, "Mike-Hunsucker" - try saying it together and you'd understand.


    So, consider yourself blessed in retrospect! ;)

    And oh. P is in NP.

    *geeky smirk*

  2. do you remember when sophi asked sethu in this really loud voice "p enga da pochu???" in c++ lab???

  3. Meera. Amen. Though no one dares call me Tara P. They're indimidated by the sheer size of me.

    the *something gross* was rather unnecessary, though. we know. it was you. it must have been.

  4. soph - why is nobody intimidated by my size?

  5. Because you're too nice to them. Threaten them a bit, loom over them and glower. Works for me. But then, I have some 6 inches on you. That might be a reason.

  6. thats ok than someone being named as Karthi'gey'an...:(

  7. Thats a big problem.The whole initial before name is totally bugging and its a practice existing in Southern states.In the north u just say the whole name including Baap ka naam.That way u dont have to bother abt the P or C or D or whatever.
    @ met-Reminds me of Ben stiller s name in Meet the parents- Gaylord "Greg" Focker

  8. was part of that conversation being the 'S' , but cudnt help laughing out aloud again :D , didnt know abt the P joke .. :D , hahahaha
