Friday, November 18, 2005

I have had too many Consumer Behavior classes this week. My brain is going numb. The man says the same thing over and over again, and he seems to think we are all to dumb to understand. Not that we are all very intelligent, but what he has to say dosen't require even a 2 digit IQ. A frog or a stone could understand him.

I saw the first 20 mins of Saw. It took gross to new levels. I can't believe people saw Saw and then saw Saw 2 too. (Wasn't that a nice sentence!)

My grossness-tolerance seems to be very low these days.

I saw bits and pieces of a Russel Peters show. For those of you who don't know, he is a Indian-Canadian (or is it Canadian-Indian?) comedien. He's not very funny after the first 15 mins. He makes the same sexist, racist jokes all the time. They are funny, but not for 50 mins at a stretch.

What motivates you to study? Fear? The utter joy of gaining knowledge? Competition? The threat of Pain if you don't? Lack of better things to do?

My throat feels like somebody is rubbing it non-stop with sand paper and then pouring alcohol on the scratched area. It hurts when I swallow, when I breathe, when I speak and even if I don't do any of the above.

My nose was hurting yesterday. The bridge of my nose. I didn't know it could hurt there. When I told someone, he told me it was probably solidified snot. Ugh. I didn't need to hear that when I was having dinner (Which was otherwise very good, both food-wise, company-wise and conversation-wise).


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