Monday, November 21, 2005

The omlet I had during breakfast was uncomfortably crunchy. It felt like I was chewing on cement...

p.s. I have given up on titles for posts.


  1. yes meera you told us that already

  2. So.... do you hate blogger, or is it blogger that hates you?

  3. Where is that imagination of yours?
    *walks away disappointed*

  4. whaa? you got rid of the first in the series? how could you. the sequel to the omelet episode was rivetting - could have used a little plot twist here and there though, but stayed true to the essence of sequels. bring back the first. it'll help us understand rocky 5000 - ooops - the omelet episode 42, the filling strikes back, that much better.

    bring it back

    bring it back

  5. it went away, and now it's refusing to come back. i had nothing to do with it.. i don;t know how it got there in the first place.. it crept in when i wasn't looking.

    word: xubgmi ...
