Sunday, February 12, 2006


Good movies and bad...

Munich is definitely a good movie. There was nothing but the Munich Olympic killings, getting the 'Eye for an eye' team together and killing the guys who did it. No romance, no comedy, no fillers, except for the bits about Eric Bana's wife and child. It was almost like a documentary. Bana was so wasted in the Hulk. He's brilliant. So was Geoffery Rush and all the others. The new James Bond was perenially in a blue shirt in the movie. I wonder what that was all about. There are a couple of lines that stuck with me: when they are discussing whether what they are doing is right or not and how Jews are supposed to be righteous, another guy says, 'How do you think we got the land? By asking?' and in another part, Daniel Craig says, 'The only blood that matters to me is Jewish blood'.

The movie was slightly weird. It was a little too easy to find the Palestinian terrorists. All they needed to do was, 'Find a guy called Louis in Paris' and he knew where every terrorist in Europe was. Do they have GPS on them or something? There was also this Godfather-esque father of Louis, who pats Bana on the cheek and says, 'You could have been my son. But you are not; Remember that', while giving him a package of food he cooked.

Also, why would the Mossad pick 5 guys who had little to no "field" experience to take care of 11 terrorists and put a self-proclaimed paper pusher in charge? He says in the beginning of the movie, 'I have a very boring job. I sit at a desk all day at the office'.

But it was still a good movie, especially coming up after 'The Day of Destruction'.

Oh God, what a disaster. Not only was it a terrible movie, it was also a terribly long movie. 2.52 hours long. That is awfully long for an awfully bad movie. It was 'Twister' meets 'Day after Tomorrow' minus what ever little plots, likable characters and decent animation those two movies had. Bad, bad movie. And I saw the whole thing with head phones, because my bloody speakers weren't working. Ugh. That guy who comes in 'The Practise' was there. My aunt thinks he's cute. I think he always looks like he has a sinister secret. Either that or he has to go really badly. Anyway, plot - Storm coming down from Canada. Storm coming up from Texas. Meets over Chicago. All hell breaks loose. Throw in tenacious Asian American-ish reporter with a stereotyped African American camera man, pilot with pregnant wife, power-hungry power company CEO, poor 'I'm just here to do my job' electricity distribution company chap who is also cheating on his wife with the PR lady, rebellious teenage daughter with the anarchist-wannabe dumb boy friend, geek son, troubled wife, and way too many other characters. A terrible waste of 3 hrs. I could have slept!

And then there's 'The Piano Teacher'. I'm not even going there. Awful french movie about repressed piano teacher, with a controlling mother, who tries to seduce her student and ends up getting raped by him. I think. She stabbed herself in the end. I was so creeped out, grossed out, confused and bored that I have no idea what happened after that. And subtitles!

This would be a good time to tell me to get a life.


  1. i liked munich too. though i thought some bits of it were a bit of the 'whaa?' nature
    also watched match point, tried watching the producers, lets see...also a fish called wanda, lock stock for the zillionth time, hopefully snatch tonight, and a whole lot of other stuff too

  2. Me want to see Munich too
    I am like so angry with u and vish aaarggghhhh I need to get a life not u guys :-(((

  3. nope havent seen that yet.. i have brokeback mountain and syriana - will watch those tomorrow.
