Friday, October 27, 2006

Do you have any superstitions? Lucky tie, Lucky shoes, unlucky hankies, pens, make up? I know a guy who has a lucky red shirt and has worn it on all important occasions since high school. I know a girl who has a lucky hanky. There are people who do things in only one way if something important is coming up. Apparently there are some people who won't say some things - and invite bad luck. Like emergency room doctors/nurses - I read somewhere that quiet and slow were bad words to use when there wasn't a crowd in the ER.
And then there is "Break a leg".
What are your weird rituals, superstitions? I don't have any. I feel like I am missing out on something.


  1. There was this guy in our class who wore the same T-shirt and jeans for every semester exam. I hope he changed what he wore under, not that it matters any more. And don't ask me for names.

    I think you don't have any rituals/superstitions because you've probably not played a lot of sport :D ... Steve Waugh and that red hankie of his, Jayasuriya and his ritual of feeling himself up before he faces each ball, Laurent Blanc kissing Barthez's head before each game ... maybe it's because you realize how much your fate is not in your hands when you play, and you start indulging in all these 'superstitions'.

  2. i had this shirt that i wore to most of my xams(the important one's)...n yeah it was washed always :-)
    And though i simply adore cats...i do give it proper respect if onecrosses my path(wonder what cats think when one of us crosses theirs?)
    others include putting on the left shoe first
    not too weird huh...
    maybe u cud start following one if u really miss out on superstitions...there's a whole gamut of them to choose from...wotsay!!!

  3. hmmmmm.... superstitions... ya very senti--mental :-) to a lot of people....
