Friday, October 13, 2006

I had a very weird time last night. I went to bed at around midnight. Not tired or very sleepy but I need my sleep or I get very cranky and I needed to get up at 6 in the morning. Switched off the lights, drew the curtains, cursed the traffic, took clothes, books and other stuff off my bed and dumped them in various places around the room, changed and went to bed.
About 20 minutes later, I heard a weird singing. Some woman going 'aaaaaaaaa'. I opened my eyes, the singing stopped. I closed them, it started again. I wasn't freaked out. When I was a kid, I saw a movie where there was this ghost that wore clanging anklets that a guy would hear and for a very long time after that, I heard anklets at night. And I didn't sleep that night, the first time I saw Godzilla. The black and white one.
Anyway, the singing continued for a while and I dozed off. I got up some hours later and I heard voices. Outside my room. On the wrong side. On the side of the cemetary. I was very disoriented, and a little creeped out. I looked out of the window, there was no one there. I looked out of the other window, there were a couple of people talking loudly. Real People. Not just ectoplasm. (?)


  1. shit dude. well, I trust you know who to call..

  2. was that to celebrate friday the 13th...

  3. wow. told you that cemetery would lead to some close encounters of the non-corporeal kind.

  4. keith - not really. Scooby doo does not work here. Ghost Whisperer isn't here either.

    bivas - i wan't celebrating

    soph - hmph. now is not a good time for 'i told you so'

  5. not scooby doo, dumbass. the ghostbusters. who you gonna call? ghostbusters!

  6. heheh.. thanks, sophist.
