Monday, October 02, 2006

Dor was good. I was a little weirded out initially.. but it was good. Sreyas Talpade was amazing. Hilarious. Ayesha Takia didn't look old enough to be married. But Kukunoor himself.. How do I even start? I don't know what to say. I was squirming in all his scenes. It was embarrasing to watch him massacre his lines. Wasn't he a decent actor in his earlier movies? Anyway, what is with directors witing a role for themselves in their spories? IF he had to do that it should have been Clive Cussler style one scene rather than M. Night style through the movie. No speaking parts please. Couldn't he get someone who could act for the role? Someone who wasn't him? Sheesh. He was stone faced throughout the movie. Maybe the role asked for it but over kill in that case.

The Iqbal chap was really really good.

Now I have to go have coffee (mmmm) and breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. yeah Shreya was amazingly hilarious in the movie.
