Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There was a glass bowl on the table next to the monitor. It was perched precariously close to the edge. It had Chlormints and Alpenliebes - both the normal caramel stuff and the awful strawberry flavoured ones. They got over quickly. SOon only the wrappers remained. I had a file full of certificates - they have stories too. Stories that are too embarrassing for me to reveal; which implies that they will get exposed soon enough. ANyway, I was rummaging through my certs, trying to figure out which order they were in and if the photocopies were in the same order as the originals and if I had photocopies for all certs and vice versa, when CRASH!! Silence. I contemplated hiding my considerable bulk under the desk. FOrtunately it hadn't fallen on anybody. Atleast I don't have damage to a person's foot (or some other part of the body) on my consience.

I will always be known as the girl who broke a bowl on the first week of work.

Damn people all laughed. They laughed, damn them.

Dinner tonight with the big wigs. Wonder what I'll break there. Touch wood.


  1. It couldve been worse, says "guy who runs into doors twice on his first day"


  2. You might want to consider putting up a disclaimer, you know, just in case someone from the company puts 2 and 2 together...yeah, I know the bit about you blogging anonymously, but still.

    word verification: rtuiucsw

    Sheesh, that rhymes!

  3. It was "Hilllarious" :D...and it also reminded me of someone's summer job at a company called Hurix... :)

  4. Bivas - I am not competing with Anish. No way.

    Random - true. Would it help if I told you that I tripped twice and did "the almost fell" dance both times on my first day?

    musafir - done. does it pass muster?

  5. Oh, why do I even bother telling you?

    *walks away in frustration, but reads the rest of the comments on his way out and comes back...*

    I see we're sharing "first-day" tales...As for me, I blew up two perfectly new PCBs on my first day because I reversed the polarity while soldering a capacitor -- not once, but twice.

    Yeah, yeah, I know that's geeky, but that's that.

    And you call that "thing" a disclaimer?

  6. It might help, I guess it would depend on the amount of arm flailing involved during the "almost fell" dance.....and the number of people around to see the aforesaid arm flailing.....

    - Random

  7. u r way better off..i slapped my boss on the back the very first dayand asked how is it going...
