Friday, September 15, 2006

Chronicles of Riddick - I didn't remember most of the movie though I had seen it twice before. I totally did not remember that Judie Dench was in the movie. And was that Eomir?
My bus was in an accident yesterday evening. He was going way to fast and took a corner on slope at around 80kmph on a busy road. An auto was crossing the road and BAM! The auto fell on it's side. Tires squealing, brakes screeching, yelling, cursing, honking - the works. The bus driver got out of his seat, walked down the bus to door at the back, got out and was never seen again. He vanished. In a few seconds, a crowd gathered, bleating for the blood of the vanished driver. They righted the auto and fortunately the two guys inside were ok. Rattled but otherwise fine. I hung around for a few more minutes, got bored and took an auto home. How jaded am I?

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