Monday, August 07, 2006

8.38am, Monday, at work.
I was rummaging though some of my stuff last night and I found a notebook of stuff I wrote in college. Very depressing stuff. I seem to have been obsessed with god and religion and death. I don't remember. Is that weird? I remember going through dark and angry phases, but I don't specifically remember writing these stuff. I wrote a lot in the bus and at night in my room. Oh well.
Appa gava me West Wing, 6th season. I had not seen any of the earlier episodes and I was not expecting to like it. I started with the 1st DVD on saturday evening, and by midday, sunday, I had finished the entire season. I loved it. I am going to Chennai and getting the other seasons. Amma was amused that I liked it too. Appa watches it all the time and she dosen't. Just on principle, so that she'll have something to bug him about. I don't think she is very enamored by politics. Anyway, what do you think of West Wing?
D was in Chennai this weekend so I was all alone. And it has been raining so much.
On friday, we both got up late. By around 8.30am, it was pouring. We ventured out, armed with only our umbrellas. Auto after auto stopped and when they heard where we had to go, they shuddered and refused to go. Finally one guy said ok. Relieved, we got on. On our way to work,  we got splashed, head to foot by cars going on both sides. I was sopping wet when I got off. Ugh. It took me all day to dry off. Gross.
It didn't rain yesterday, when I was at home most of the time or the day before, when I went out for just an hour. Fate.


  1. aw, man, I used to love the west wing! I think I kinda sorta stopped watching tv around the.. er.. 4th season or something though, so it's good to hear it was still good up to the 6th. My mom told me all about the live episode with the mock presidential debate that was more recent. She said it was so much better than real life. I believe her.

  2. Yeah, good stuff. I sort of stopped watching TV whenI was in Bhubaneswar, but I got back to it real quick.
