Monday, June 05, 2006

I am so sleepy.

I spent the weekend in Bangalore and it very helpfully rained just as I needed to go out. And by rained, I mean poured. Sheets of water, from all directions. And even more helpfully, just as I was getting out of the car, it stopped raining, as if a switch was turned off, somewhere in the skies.

Anyway, Bangalore is horribly crowded. You would expect people to take a siesta on a Sunday afternoon, post lunch. But noooo. They were all out in droves, in their weekend finery.

I stayed at Ravi’s house and hogged tomato rice (which he said was puliyodharai, and got a knock on the head from his mother). It had been such a long time since I had good rice. One month is a long time.

I saw Da Vinci Code. It wasn’t as bad as people have made it seem. It wasn’t great, but wasn’t terrible. Tom Hanks was not a very convincing Langdon and Tatou seemed a little lost. Jean Reno and Magneto were, as usual, brilliant. Paul Bettany’s whipping scenes were really gross. I also saw bits of Arunachalam and Sinbad and Sleepy Hollow and Bourne Identity on TV. All very entertaining.

The Alumni get together thingy was a bit of a bore, though it was nice to see all those people again. I left after dinner, just as the party started livening up. Loud music and dancing and smoke and dark rooms and crowds are really not my scene. I got a few phone numbers. Only time will tell if I ever use them. History says I won’t but let’s see.

The bus ride there was terribly uncomfortable. They were playing a Hrithik Roshan movie which added to the discomfort. I didn’t sleep much and kept fidgeting. The guy sitting next to me must have been cursing me. The journey back was much better. I got a window seat and slept throughout. They started playing Matrix but the sound wasn’t very good so they played a Bobby Deol – Amisha Patel movie. I was asleep before the starting credits ended.

Now I have to go. Miles to go before I sleep.

ps. god bless the "Edit" button.


  1. "The guy sitting next to me must have been curing me." -- hee hee (that's my version of a cackle), typos are such fun :)

  2. cursing, i meant. just like i'm doing right now. grrr...

  3. :) ... Not fair, not fair at all! You're supposed to show what you changed after you posted! Goes against blogging ethics!

    What will people think of me now? *is downcast*

    As for the telephone numbers, people take it so personally when I don't call. And try as I might, they don't believe that I don't call up people. It's almost as if you're not human if you don't telephone or, in these days, cellphone.

  4. no i don;t recommend it. it would be better to stay at home, and watch some brain numbing show like the simple life. it was quite boring. just not AS bad as they made it out to be. watch it only if you are curous.

  5. nice way to kill time.. i meant your blog.. :)
