Friday, June 16, 2006

My landlady’s sons are complete brats.

I live with 3 girls. They are all really cool people. (One of knows about this blog) Especially D. She’s the coolest of them all. (Hi D!).

Anyway, there are 4 keys to the apartment. 3 are with the other three girls living with me and one is with the landlady. So I’m generally left hanging.

Last night, I went home (after standing in line at the cinema in vain and dinner) at 10pm. Nobody was home. D was at a party, R was at work and I have no idea where N was. So I rang the bell downstairs. And waited. I could hear the TV and I could hear non-TV speaking too. And I could hear the bell – It was loud and long and musical and annoying as hell. I rang the bell again and waited. It was, by then, 10.30pm and hot and humid. I was sweating buckets and the damn people inside are watching football. I knocked. Once twice three times. Now I was pissed. I pushed against the door and Voila! It was open. I went in. The TV was blaring from the bedroom and the door was open. I knocked on the door frame. The two bespectacled boy-men looked at me vaguely. I asked for the key. One of them rolled, yes rolled, off the bed and gave it to me. The other just pointed at where the key was. They didn’t even pretend that they didn’t hear the bell. “Yeah we heard it but we figured either you’d give up and go away or come in and get whatever you wanted. We are lazy bastards who don’t give a shit about the POOR GIRL WHO WAS STANDING OUTSIDE FOR HALF A FUCKING HOUR”.

Damn them.


  1. Blame the football I say ;)

  2. ah your roomatess...werent you mentioning something about them the other day? mmmm..why I recollect actually said err....ofcourse ofcoruse D is the coolest and all...

    You know M I think it is just your can make anyone ramble:D

  3. girish - you were like this before blogs were even thought of!

  4. @consumerdemon: Well you just blew your chance of becoming my PR are gonna rue it you know...

    and tut tut! such truths..what will the ladies think?:|

  5. next time, cut their cable. i'm sure they have wires hanging out, like everyone else. no one routes them through the walls nowadays, it seems. if you don't know which one the cable is, cut them all.

    and after you take my suggestion, when you're sitting in jail, with a friendly lady-of-the-night and a toothless hag as cell mates, you can dream of adding my murder to your list of felonies. and smile.

  6. Soph - I'm thinking of it now and I'm not smiling.

    Girish - Ofcourse I read what yuo say. But sometimes I'm left speechless. Or may be just confused. You know how it is when you go on one of those "i don't know if you know what i;m saying but i;m going to say it anyway" trips!

  7. Meera used the F word! Meera used the F word! Meera used the F word!

  8. u don't have your own key? thats terrible!
    why don't u make a copy of the key? then you dont have to worry about landladies, obnoxious boys or the world cup :-)

  9. vish - do yuo not remember me at all?

    hamlet - got it now.

  10. smile, meera, smile. laughter is a good thing. and it draws the attention away from the weirdly pink glasses to your picture perfect teeth. which is also a good thing.
