Friday, June 09, 2006

I whined all of this week about having to wash my clothes.
That is finally done.

Going to Chennai this weekend.

My head feels like a million angry reservation protestors are beating up Arjun Singh and the riot police are lathi charging them. It hurts.

A girl said this today to some guy – You are the bad guy. As it is you are wearing yellow. Yellow yellow dirty fellow.

She did. I swear. She was 24 yrs old. And then she came and told me that she said it. I wonder, sometimes.

I never realized how big my forehead was until I saw the photo on my ID card. It’s huge. It covers 1/4th of the picture, most of the rest of the space is taken up by my caterpillar eyebrows. I need help. Epilatory help.

I used to be able to disguise my rambling as coherent speech till now. I find myself unable to bother. I am a proud rambler.

I am also very sleepy.


  1. This was during undergrad, but one girl once said to me - Liar, Liar, pants on fire. 21 years old. I wonder if that's as bad.

  2. Caterillar eyebrows.
    I like that description. Very apt. One of those hairy ones, no doubt.

  3. vish - yes. but monochrome unlike yours. i want to stick my tongue out.

    sid - dunno. i've said it too. but when i say it, it's funny. when others do, it's sad. you decide.

    word: wzitc

  4. :) i've told you a million times- liam gallagher. or noel gallagher. or even peter gallagher.

  5. i can understand peter gallagher; but why the oasis dudes? or do yuo just like the name gallagher?

  6. have you seen their eyebrows? caterpillar doesn't come close.

  7. ah, touche.
    someone told me today my eyelashes are pretty. i think she was just embarassed that i caught her staring

  8. i remember that i called it 'interesting' when you caught me staring.
