Monday, May 16, 2005

kingdom of crap

why why why did i go?
the movie was a total loss.

It had Jeremy Irons, Alan Rickman and Liam Neeson, all of whom were barely there in the movie. The guy who played Salahuddin was also awesome. Instead of showing people who could act, they had Orlando Bloom in every frame; him and that woman who looked like Elvira from The Addams Family! ugh.

They had lifted an entire battle scene from The Lord of the Rings (did i put the right letters in caps??) and that was the only part of the movie which was watchable (is that a word?). Sad Sad Ridley Scott. If Gladiator wasn't bad enough, he had to come up with this piece of celluloid crap. He seems to have gone out of his way to make sure that he did not ruffle any religious feathers. There was one good guy (Salahuddin and Baylian(sp?)) and one bad guy (Guy whatever who goes "Give me a war" and the young arab who goes "You promised us Jerusalem!") in both the Christian and Muslim sides. What was the point of this movie? It should have been called "How to turn a blacksmith into a General and back again". Not that at any point during the movie they showed how this "strong and silent" troubled blacksmith who initially seems dyslexic turns into this brilliant but misunderstood general. Why does Tiberius respect this guy so much? Elvira's (i forgot her name in the movie, Sybilla or something) husband Guy's reaction to the guy seems to make a lot more sense. Did Bloom's character know how to be a super general just because he was the bastard child of the Duke? It was in the blood? Yeah right... dole out some more of that crap.

I can't wait to see how George Lucas mucks up Revenge of the Sith. The only consolation is that it couldn't possibly be worse that Return of the Clones. We'll see this Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Going to a movie, knowing it will be hopeless is a talent very few people posses.

    Congratualtions on the amount of crap u can digest!!!
