Friday, May 20, 2005

More movies

Did you know that in the movie The Aviator, Scorsese used the color processing look of that time. So that in the beginning of the film when Hughes was young, the blues are all greenish and unreal, like they were in films of that period, and as the time line progresses, the colors become more rich and "Technicolor". I got this from
When I first saw the movie, I didn't like it very much. Now, in retrospect, I like it. Wouldn't see it again. But I'd definitely recommend it. Go see it.

It is a brilliant biopic. Leo's greatest movie since The Basketball Diaries (Please tell me you have seen that. It was great!), What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Catch Me if You Can (they were great too). Everybody else in the movie were just eye candy - Cate Blanchett, Kate Bekinsale, Alan Alda, Jude Law (yummy!), all of them were good but was a Leo movie. (Is it Everybody was or Everybody were??) The begininng was a little distorted and I wasn't very impressed but as the movie went on, you could feel his paranoia and insecurities. Superb Movie. I want to see Howard Hughes' Hells' Angel's now. (lots of apostrophes there :) )

The same week that I saw the Aviator, I also saw A Series of Unfortunate Incidents. UGH. I couldnt sit through it. But lots of others liked it. Wierd people.

I read that Terri Schiavo's parents met the Pope. Is it just me, or does this Pope seem a little "fundamentalist" in the same way the Ayatollahs and VHP are?? It's probably just me. I just don't get religious leaders at all.


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