Thursday, June 02, 2005


I have come to a very belated conclusion that emoticons are lame and childish. I'm not going to be using them here anymore, I am going to make an effort to convey what I feel with just words. If I need apostrophes, colons, semi-colons, commas and brackets to show how I feel then I am in trouble. I'm in no mood to edit what I have written earlier, so any emoticons in my previous posts will stay. But no more after this.
This is, hereafter, a smiley-free zone.
You are, however, allowed to use whatever you want. I also support freedom of expression (yesterday, I would have inserted a colon and a capital 'd' here, but today, I refrain).
I have never kept any resolution so far. Let's see how long this one lasts.


  1. Computer Genie says:
    if you want me to appear on your screen, select "new post" and then close your eyes, wish for something, and do the following:
    1. Keep your eyes closed.
    2. Press the (1st key from left) on the (2nd row from bottom).
    3. Now press (the 11th key from left) on the (3nd row from bottom).
    4. Now press the (11th key from left) on the (5nd row from bottom).

    Post whatever appears on screen, when 100% published, I will appear on screen and grant all that want. If you donot do this a terrible thing will happen (for eg. the transformer next to your house will blow up and you will have no power).

  2. I read this and went :O , :( and :((. if only u were ;;) abt us emoticons , i wud :* u and >:D< u , but if only . :D, :)) and >:D

  3. very funny shrianna.
    musafir, i'll get you for that.

    be nice.
