Friday, June 03, 2005

Sounds like a good way to go

Caffeine really kills - A yummy way to go.

Why is suicide wrong? Someone please give a reason other than "God gave you life, It's not yours to take.." blah blah blah.


  1. have you read 'desiderata'?

    '... With all it's shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world...'

    That's why.

    I'm not asking you to believe that. i'm not sure i do, completely.

    But i just think you should read the poem

  2. and hey have u read Albert Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus"? The basic theme of the book is base don the question.."Is Life worth living?" ,"Is suicide logically tenable?"....brilliant book...

  3. iread desiderata, loved it.
    i havent read myth of... will do so as soon as i can
