Friday, October 21, 2005

And then...

.. nothing. I really have better things to do. I should be doing, uh, other things. You know, stuff that I came here to do. Like... stuff.

Anyway, since I am so busy and all that, I have a question for you.

There is this guy... who sometimes sits in my vicinity. He is a very nice guy and all that, but he smells like a homeless person. Or what I think a homeless person who hasn't bathed for a very long time and is outdoor all the time smells. The weird thing is, he is not the kind of guy who has, um, bad personal hygiene or anything. There is this other guy who claims to bathe like once a week or something, and he dosen't stink. But this guy does.

The question is, how do I get away with not ever being near him? He is a nice guy and all but... I can't hold my breath for long.

Anyway, that's that.

Maybe I should rename this post Assault of The Olfactory Sort.

I saw this really really really awful movie called Dog Soldiers. Really really awful.
Werewolves, special forces, Scottish forests, deserted houses and stuff. Hilarious. They use about a gazillion rounds of ammunition and blow up two trucks, one barn and the house they were in. Only one guy survives. Duh. Big guy. Blond. Now I know where the inspiration for the werewolf in Prisoner of Azkaban came from. Yuck.

I had this really boring class today. I was mesmerised. I could not take my eyes away from the prof (except when I was reading Churchill's biography or Outlook). His upper lip was completely hidden by a thick curtain of hair. His face is really small and he has a balding head. His most prominent feature on his face is his moustache. And it is really funny. Imagine a thick blanket of hair curving over a guy's upper lip till it almost reaches his lower lip. Weird. He looks a little like Thompson and Thomson. It's been a while since I read Tintin. I "louved" Captain Haddock's curses.

Have to get back to work. Yeah. WORK.


  1. its done. diwali nights over. my back is going to split in two. you know it feels like if i lie down, the pieces will actually draw apart and i wont be able to get up. phew.
    sorta read thro your post. will msg later.

  2. Hah! my 'louv' is catching on! i'm so proud, i'm almost bursting with it. of course, that could just be the lunch i just had- rice, baby corn sambar (my aunt was inspired, for some reason) and yummmmmy potato.

  3. after one and a half years of potato twice daily, i have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as yummy potato.

  4. Yumm, potatoes! After two years of having baked potatoes at least three times a week, I've come to the conclusion that I've Irish blood in my lineage.
