Thursday, October 06, 2005


.. I have been very busy. Too busy for you.

Metlin.. You need help. Mortal Kombat was BAD. Yes, capital letters. Though the fight sequences were good.

We have been having our "Fest" - In common parlance, it's a "B-School Fest"; I personally feel that it sounds very dumb. It should ideally be called "We will do anything for some very expensive publicity" or "A whole buch of unrelated and semi-related activities followed by a lot of beer" or "I am sick of classes; let's spend an insanely large amount of money and have some fun and a lot of headache". I guess they thought these were too long and went with "Xpressions 2005".

My college has this really bad habit of having an X in everything. Xpressions, IlluminatiX, maXim, Xfin and blah blah blah. It's annoying. It's one of those things that go to annoying without ever being cute. I think it is because I feel that misspelling things on purpose is a crime - I just hate hate hate it when people write rulez, rox, and crap like that and now I am surrounded by such nonsense.

Maybe this is bothering me just a wee bit too much.

What is the right usage for "Mayhap"?

Last night was great. There was a rock competition. Not the sort that people throw rocks at each other - they are called Parliament sessions.

Generally rock competitions that I have been to are awful - they are filled with lead singers with fake accents, drummists who think drum rolls are "kewl", long haired, bare chested, guitarists who can play only Hotel California and Nothing Else Matters.

This time was mercifully different. The first band played a pretty decent "Whereever I May Roam"; though their lead singer did not sound like hetfield at all, they still sounded damn good. The second band was as bad as all the others were cumulatively good. BAD BAD BAD. Their "Original Comp" Dhokha was bad, but it was still better than their rape of Hotel California. They all came to stage wearing identical white banians and blue jeans. UGH. And so it started.

The third band was AWESOME. They were called Bodhi Tree, from XLRI and they played Joe Satriani's Summer Song, Cranberries's Animal Instinct and Pearl Jam's Black. It all almost sounded identical to the original. BEE-OO-TI-FUL. Vaishu, your friend Shambhavi was the lead singer and she got best vocalist. Their other singer, Narayan was also awesome. AND they made the guitars speak. I'm running out of adjectives. They did Joe Sat. Recognizable Joe Sat. Need I say more? They had a female drummer. The testoterone affected in the audience was yelling "we love your drummer" at the end of their sound check and after their first piece they were yelling "we love you all". It was very corny but it got the message across. Their original comp was about how their mess always served potatoes. Hilarious. stuff. We could all relate. they got best original comp for "having fun on stage and writing about stuff that happen to them". They played "XL ki kudiyan" at the end, asked for by popular request.

The fourth band was also great. They were a bunch of recently graduated school kids from Darjeeling and played the best damn crash metal I have ever heard. Their lead singer went from MHz to Hz within the space of one word! Not that we ever understood what he said. The band was great. Their original composition was called "Dark-cula" - about Dracula. duh.

The next band seemed semi professional. They were from Calcutta and their original composition was called "Kurukshetra". It started with "Yada yada ya dharmasya.." was was heavy rock, full of angst and pain and fights and stuff. Too much. But they were also good. They got second best original composition.

The judges were one guy from Silk Route and part of Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean are playing tonight. They are supposed to be good. Let's see how good. They jammed after the competition and played old Silk Route songs. Didn't like any. There were some people in the crowd who were having fun. Some you win, some you lose.

Later that night, Narayan, Jishnu and Bharat (XLRI band) played and sang for us while they were waiting for 4.30am. It was fun. Good, fun people.

My yahoo messenger has two new people on it. It's good to meet new people; even if one of them is a friend of a friend whom you have already met before.

A lot of people said a lot of nice things about this campus. I didn't think it was a big deal. I guess familiarity does breed comtempt. But was hilarious when the guys from FMS complimented our mess food. Delhi University can't be that sad!

This post has been mostly about the rock competition, but lots of other things also happened. A hilarious video was shot. Somebody teach me how to upload videos and you can see it for yourselves.

I crave comments. Help me.


  1. so. basically, not just are you shooting your mouth when you groan about the amount of work you have, you actually have *gasp* FUN in b-school?

    i hate you.

    the remotest link to fun right now is the 'freshers' that's supposed to be happening tomorrow. a department endorsed "get together" where those kids entertain us with bad music and worse "dances" and where we're not even allowed to terrorise the little brats.

    i hate you.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. so i can see ...u had an Xciting time yesterday....

    anyways i enjoyed Indian Oceans performance more than the rock concert...(perhaps cause i wasnt having any Xpectations from them)...

  4. did you have to do that? i liked indian ocean too.. but i still liked last night better

  5. k thanks, I have to get back to bhubaeshwar to upload thevid though. I'm home!!

  6. You weak, pathetic fool! You WILL die for your words, mortal!! Thou shalt not commit sacrilege! Thou shalt perform several penances for thy unholy words, by chanting "The essence of Mortal Kombat is not about death... but life!" (attributed to His Holiness, Rayden). Thou shalt chant until thy soul feels clean enough outstanding flawless excellent victory through babality animality brutality fatality and mercy!


    And btw - while I'm indeed obsessed with comics (and books in general), my blog goes through themes (sword theme, comics theme) etc. - you just happened to chance upon a comic theme! :p

  7. Okay, just realized that the last sentence in the first paragraph made no sense. THE GODS WERE PLAYING WITH ME! I swear!

  8. you need immediate medical attention
