Friday, October 28, 2005


No classes today, and that's a bad thing because nothing ever gets done when I don't have classes. I have no motivation to get up from bed.

But there was a project to finish. Or rather, start. We went to the local ISP for a PITEO project. PITEO being "Planning IT Enabled Organisations" and if you don't know what an ISP is, shame on you! The prof is a cool guy. Comes once a month and takes 10 classes in 2 days. Not very nice but when did they ever give a shit about our mental well-being?! Anyway, the project was about their hardware systems and networks and who their customers are and what kind of services they have and stuff like that. It was a good 15 mins visit. I just stood there and listened in to the conversation a guy from my group and the manager were having. It was interesting, but I couldn't come up with anything intelligent to ask him. After that, we went to have coffee.

2 cups of coffee later, I'm back in my room, trying to figure out what to do next. I have one more assignment to complete in the same subject and a couple of cases in Supply Chain Management. The cases are very interesting and I have to do Linear and Goal Programming. I don't remember either. We were supposed to submit this a week ago but we got an extension of the deadline; so, we haven't started yet. Story of my life.

Our internet has been pretty shitty the past couple of day and only now, seems normal. I'm tempeted to go to yahoo games and play texttwist or something. But I'll resist. I think I'll finish work first. I think. I'm turning over a new leaf!



  1. SCM! *shudder*

    So, how're you liking the coffee back there? :p

  2. Coffee Day is the only reason I'm still alive and functional.

  3. I love espressos here - they'll kick you awake. And of course, they've several side effects that're best not mentioned in this blog.

  4. turn over a new leaf means...
    not playing yahoo games..
    but watching 'The 70s show', smallville, etc. etc. ??

  5. new leaf ????? haa haa haa

    only thing new wud be throwing tantrums for icecream, for e.g. ?

  6. you throw tantrums for ice cream now? i am shocked, shaken to the core... and all that.

    and you call me a brat.


    Coffee Day is the only reason I'm still alive and functional.

    when were you ever functional?

  7. i don't have to take this abuse *humph*

  8. Once Coffee day gets listed, we should all invest heavily in that. Looks like CD( the company) has got the young urban indians by their balls. So what else are you addicted to , CD ( the demon)?

  9. let's see.... cd's addicted to coffee, harry potter, apparently, ice cream, britney spears...

    oh, right, she's not addicted to britney, she just thinks she's very entertaining.

  10. what is this? abuse me day?? somebody said "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything" or something profound that meant that. you guys should listen.

    and tom welling is cute. though the lana character needs more, uh, character.

  11. Hey, I like Britney Spears. I watch her all the time with the volume turned off.


  12. no commercial opportunities on the Britney front. How do you make money out of her.?

  13. no, no, CD actually LIKES her. it's fascinating, really...

    metlin. stop smirking. i don't know any guy past the age of thirteen who doesn't do that.

  14. take anything the sophist says with a truck load of salt...

    by saying that "she likes britney", she dosen't mean that i like her voice; just that i find her awesomely entertaining. in a way that does not relate to her singing non-abilities at all. just the way she's always in the paper/internet for something so brilliantly dumb or non-newsworthy. and the things that she says!! come on, you gotta admit, she's a lot of fun to watch.. and i don't mean with the tv on mute either! only dubya beats her in the duh comments department.

    jessica simpson should be hung, drawn and quartered for abusing "boots are made for walking" and "take my breath away". since i have not seen any episode of 'newlywed', i can't really say that i find her entertaining in the non-singing category either.

  15. Hey, I do! And I'm more than thirteen you insensitive clod! x-(


  16. Hey, I like Jessica Simpson, too! Blah, Dr. Almonds, sometimes you just scare me.

    I'd anytime spend a day with Jessica or Britney than John Mayer. :p

    But then, hey. Whatever floats your boat.
