Monday, October 10, 2005

another day, no sleep yet

Ala - no idea what I meant by that. Oops.

I hate it when people delete comments. Leaves me very curious to know what was so bad/unkind/unparliamentary/too nice/praise-ish that I/we couldn't read it.

Yesterday was fun too. In a way.

I got all cleaned up, in a manner of speaking. Unless you are a girl, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Or maybe a "metrosexual". I think men who volunteer to get their chest/back/whatevers waxed are masochistic bastards who deserve anything they get. I mean, they actually go through that horrrifying pain even though they are not socially expected to do it. I sometimes wish I was born in the Neandrathal age or as a Chimpanzee and hair on the female of the species was not considered a sign of the major UGH.

My face, if left to its own devices, would have more hair than most adult men. After tweezing, threading and waxing, it looks all shiny and hairless. And only I know the pain, the PAIN I go through to look socially acceptable.

After the movie Cast Away was released, while people were debating many aspects of that movie, I was wondering how I would look if went 7 years without my tweezer, wax strips and parlour. THAT is how much I am affected by the unnatural acts forced on me by society!

After reading what I have written above, I have come to the conclusion that I have no shame. Yippee.. One less thing to be worried about.

Anyway, after the parlour, I went out for dinner with 2 aunts, 2 uncles, the parental units, the sister and grand mother and great aunt. It was good fun. And great food. ANd weird/interesting conversations. Every time my father started a controversial topic (which was every time he opened his mouth to speak), my grandmother would shut him and say the tamil equivalent off "Not here, people will hear, wait till we go home, have you no brains?". It was hilarious. ANd everything he said about govt. policy, politics, religion got the same reaction. But once the food came, we sorta concentrated on it and spoke only between mouthfuls. Damn good food. If you are in Chennai, check out Casablanca @ TTK Road.

After that, I went to my grandmother's place, where I, my sister, 2 cousins, aunt and dog saw all three Lord of the Rings continuously. Awesome stuff. My 10 yr old cousin and I were speaking the dialogues. It was so much fun.

ANyway, I haven't slept at all, and I'm going shopping with my mother in a while. I will probably feel the pain of lack of sleep in the afternoon. Yeehaw! But it's not as if I have plans, so I guess I could sleep in later.

ANd later today, I have to subject myself to torture of unparalleled proportions. Of deforesting my arms. I bet you did not want to or need to know that. FUN. DO not cross me tonight. I am not responsible for whatever I throw at you for annoying me.

Has anybody seen Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Mara? My grandmother wants to go. Will I sleep, die of pain, suffer the mercies of bad acting, bad dialogues or will I enjoy a historical piece?


  1. [Strictly Anonymous]

    Do u know what was ur nickname when u studied in SRM ??


    And i still cant grow a proper french beard .. But that was a nice honest post .. Enjoi ....
