Tuesday, July 05, 2005


in b2b marketing class today i was very annoyed.
nobody near me was paying attention. not that there was anything of monumental importance going on, but it is very annoying when everybody is DOING SOMETHING. the guy sitting next to me KEPT FIDGETING. he kept picking up my pen, playing with it, picked up the notebook of the girl sitting on my other side, picked up my phone, talked, nudged, basically bugged the hell out of me! the girl on my other side was talking to the girl behind me who kept pulling my hair; the girl in front of me was playing a game on someone's cell phone and THE DAMN THING KEPT BEEPING. the guy next to her kept looking back and talking to to the guy next to me and I WAS GOING OUT OF MY MIND. i was surrounded by bloody imbeciles. i was mentally screaming.
i had a mental picture of me running, screaming out of the class. at one point, i almost did it. and the weird thing is that i have, in the past, actively participated in these annoyances, with much glee. why was i so bugged?
maybe i'm just growing irritable in my old age. 22 going on 70.


  1. glad i wasnt sitting next to u in b2b, u wud have driven me crazier :D :D..

  2. you are crazy even without me around you
