Friday, July 01, 2005

book rant

i want a good book. i am free for the next 3 days and nothing to do.. i have washed my clothes, cleaning my room will take me ten mins, and i am never in a mood to study. there are very few movies in circulation that i want to see. and i want to read. it is like a physical ache. i have the lost world, collected hercule poirot, right ho jeeves, the origins of virtue, a few edgar wallaces, papillion, mark shand and a few more but I HAVE NOTHING TO READ. i don't want to read snapshots from hell or business maharajahs!! maybe a chuck palahnuik, a lorenzo caracaterra, something i can't put down until i have finished it. not some crap. i am tired of trash. i am tired of intelligent books. i don't want gabriela garcia marquez or yet another thought provoking, award winning writer. i want a good book. funny, interesting, with a story line, believable characters, short conversations. kill howard roark and his 22 page long monologue. asshole. and that dominique chick. the only reason i read ayn rand's 2 "epics" was because i wanted to know why everybody was taking about it. i hated them both. there! i've said it. i loved her anthem. it was
short and different and interesting and beautifully written. more wodehouse. more cecil. more wallace. more books please. does nobody read for fun anymore? everybody talks about all the great books they have read and they all end up being these obscure, big, fat, serious dostoevsky style, murder, rape, hate, philosophy crap. i don't have anything against it if it is well written and gripping, a la Lee Child or Chuck Palahnuik but no more Dostoevsky please! Read War and Remembrance. Read Leon Uris for thought provoking. Fat and disturbing does not a good book make!


  1. Maybe all this is a cycle - fat & disturbing to the "good reads" back to the fat & disturbing...I read Dennis Lillee's autobiography recently, and I was wondering what the hell I was doing spending my time reading Ayn Rand and other "heavy" stuff - sometimes it's best to figure "it" out yourself.

  2. sacrielege! thou shalt not speak out against Dostoevsky :P But yeah am game for a Wodehouse anytime too!;)

  3. As the powerful organ music reaches a cresendo, and the preacher mops his forehead, the congregation murmurs in agreement as they bow their heads and breathe a collective, final amen.

    You were free for three days! You could have messaged, I would have called. I'm under the impression you actually have work to do in Bhub.

  4. idiot tara, i was free yesterday. i am free today and tomorrow

  5. grease... there was a time when i thought i liked dostoevsky, but i read it again and found myself thinking "why? why? why do i put myself through this?" and so the rant...

  6. and tara, i do have work to do... between the various trips to the loo and the 9 courses i have this term..
