Thursday, July 14, 2005

my way or the highway

Limp Bizkit is good for many moods. Pissed off, angry, upset, sleepy, happy, bored, constipated... all of it.

Somebody just asked for Marylin Manson's songs on the lan messenger. I have never heard any of his stuff. How bad can they be?

I had three classes today. I slept through the alarm and missed the 9 O' clock class. I went for the 2 O' clock class but got bored and bunked the 3.45 class. And missed a surprise quiz. I can see my grades nose dive. The good news is that the people who took the test said that they'd probably get zero or less, so I guess I didn't miss much. Time will tell.


  1. I'm guessng this is one of the things I'm not supposed to be telling our parents about....

  2. well i haven't heard too much marilyn manson either but his version of "sweet dreams" is awesome!!!
