Friday, July 01, 2005


back to the grind... i was checking my notebook to see what i have done this past one week and this stood out - i'm going to puke. if i don't come back bring my bag and check in the loo here. story of the past week. anyway, i'm in the pink of health now and in have loads of work already - courses all picked and classes started. i have two compulsory courses - business policy and business ethics, this term and they are both brain numbingly boring. in the biz ethics class today, this is what i wrote - are mad people freer than the sane? there is no free will. who gives a shit about your opinion? Morality is an urban myth.

and in an earlier class - Meera died this afternoon while in class; how she died is still a mystery but it is commonly acknowledged from her actions preceeding her demise that she died of chronic boredom.

I need help. In my first Product management class, it seemed as if the moral of the class was that 1. people will buy anything that makes them laugh; 2. has amir khan music in it; and 3. titan music rocks. i don't think i want to get into these lines of business. i'm too cynical as it is. the last thing i need is to start selling people things they don't need.

i still can't get over ethics class. the man is a joke; he flays his hands around, counts till 20 million on one finger and keeps telling the hare and tortoise story. he is in love with socrates too. he has said "if there are somethings worth living for, then there are somethings worth dying for.." or something to that effect. i think it is his aim in life to have one of us killed in an attempt at whistle blowing - satyendra dubey style (i think). creep. and he is rather gross to look at. he sprays the first row, hates it when people laugh, calls it immature, and and needs to change his anti-perspirant. ugh. i need sleep.

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