Friday, July 15, 2005

big, white teeth... mostly white..

I'm smiling. Big smile. Staring at the screen and smiling.

I just saw Ocean's Twelve. But that is not the reason I'm smiling, though the movie was funny. Unintentionally so. Brad Pitt dosen't eat as much in this movie as he does in Eleven. That was my net takeaway from the movie. Definitely not entertainment. Not my kind anyway.

Do you want to know why I'm smiling? Because Sheetal left a comment in an earlier post; I followed it back to her blog and what do I see???

p.s to consumerdemon - can't believe you're actually reading my blog!
because your blog was one of the first that got me interested in blogging! THANK

Wow! Somebody I don't know said that! I think I am going to smile for a lot while longer. (And yes, Sheetal, Guarini looks really weird; like his pet rats ran out of food and nibbled at his whiskers!)

Take that Alka! I am going to shrug off all the people here (all 1 of them) who make fun of how much time I am spending on my blog!

Going away now. Still grinning. I haven't figured out how to change the alignment in this thing. But who cares.

1 comment:

  1. lol looks like i made your day...but i wasn't did get me interested in blogging! thanks, girl!
