Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Not very happy now.

Listening to Megadeath's Insomnia. It sounds angry and anti-people. Just like I am feeling now.

It was a guy's birthday "celebrations" today - which basically means that he got the shit kicked out of him, got smeared with stuff and got a lot of hugs. He was a popular guy and there had been a lot of "campaigning" before his birthday. Lots of people turned up. It was funny in parts, but mostly dumb. Everybody laughed a lot in all the appropriate places. Me too.

It's weird how generally smart, quiet, subdued people turn into loud-mouthed, annoying dip-shits when faced with an equally loud, obnoxious crowd.

I'm feeling very unaccomodating of people now.

I talk too much when I am around a lot of people. Or I don't talk at all. It's obsessive compulsive, with a twist. I hate it when it happens. I am unintentionally idiotic, and I want to kick myself when that happens. I never think of what I am going to say and end up very verbose. I don't seem to know how to form sentences. Like PP said, I am the worst sort of verbose. I make fun of people like me. And it's not as if people give a shit about what I say. I keep telling myself, "Shut up, Shut up Meera" but I don't. Ever.

Fuck it. I'm going to sleep.


  1. Me again...the other day I felt like like taking my foot (clean, of course), stuffing it in my mouth, just to shut up and prevent myself from becoming a part of the stupidity around - you ever get the feeling? Just curious, because you seem to display the same symptoms :)

  2. i have chronic foot-in-the-mouth syndrome.
