Saturday, July 09, 2005


for the first time in 5 years, i sat in the first row in class today. not out of choice, though.

it was traumatic, right under those beetle eyes and too thick moustache of the prof. he could see everything, from the doodles on top of the page to the loud, checkered pyjamas that i chose to wear to class today. it was pure pain. especially when i wanted to join the dots on the mosquito bites on the back of my palm and had to desist, coz i was right under his beady, black eyes!

and in other news,

what is black and white, looks very cuddly, is fat around the middle and walks very funnily??

if your first thought was of a penguin, you lost! i was referring to me. or rather, me in a "suit". not that i have ever worn one, but i saw a bunch of girls in them today and had this mental picture of me in one.


  1. ...and trundles something that looks like cabin baggage along?

  2. very funny... that always comes back to bite me in the ass!
