Monday, July 04, 2005


i have an ethics quiz tomorrow. i wonder how they can justify quizzing us on jargon in a subject like ethics. does it matter if i know what meta-ethical thinking is? even if i know what is ethical and what is not, does that automatically mean that i am going to do the ethically right thing? how can a person be graded on ethics? we had a "discussion" on morality in biz ethics class last week; i found it pointless. there was the usual 'moral relativity' discussion- about how somethings are viewed as moral in some societies and immoral in others. and how legal does not automatically mean moral. i got the feeling that the the class was just giving lip-service to the issue.

apparently Ethical subjectivism is the idea that moral opinions are based on our feelings and nothing more. On this view, there is no such thing as “objective” right and wrong. i knew that when i was in 6th std. i just didn't know that it had a name. i don't completely agree with it. but nobody cares about that. they just want me to know what "ethical subjectivism is". what is the point?

i hate listening to people prosing on about morality. i just hate it.

i still have to study. bloody grades. the topics for the quiz are Ethics and economics; What is ethics? Distinction between Descriptive, normative and meta-ethical thinking; The distinction between law and ethics; Ethical subjectivism and ethical relativism. who cares? i'm already feeling sleepy and it's only midnight.

wouldn't it be ironic if somebody cheats in the quiz?!


  1. nice last line.

  2. yep.. and it was, though they didn't get caught.. it would have been really entertaining if they had got caught
